Results for 'Marcos Paulo Santa Rosa Matos'

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  1. Nietzsche's Eternal Return and Guimarães Rosa's tale 'The Third Riverbank' **.Marcos Wagner Da Cunha - manuscript
    Nietzsche's Ewige Wiederkunft; (Eternal Return), as a possible interpretation of 'The Third River Bank';, a poignant tale by the great Brazilian writer João Guimarães Rosa [1908-1967]. As such, this paper is a part of 'Genealogy of the Real. Nietzsche, Freud'; a Doctorate Dissertation at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of São Paulo (1993).
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  2. Menschlicher Körper in Bewegung - Eine erneut aufgegriffene Überlegung zur Mediumspezifität des Tanzes.Marcos Paulo Mariz - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Heidelberg
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  3. The Ship of Theseus Puzzle.David Rose, Edouard Machery, Stephen Stich, Mario Alai, Adriano Angelucci, Renatas Berniūnas, Emma E. Buchtel, Amita Chatterjee, Hyundeuk Cheon, In-Rae Cho, Daniel Cohnitz, Florian Cova, Vilius Dranseika, Angeles Eraña Lagos, Laleh Ghadakpour, Maurice Grinberg, Ivar Hannikainen, Takaaki Hashimoto, Amir Horowitz, Evgeniya Hristova, Yasmina Jraissati, Veselina Kadreva, Kaori Karasawa, Hackjin Kim, Yeonjeong Kim, Min-Woo Lee, Carlos Mauro, Masaharu Mizumoto, Sebastiano Moruzzi, Christopher Y. Olivola, Jorge Ornelas, Barbara Osimani, Alejandro Rosas, Carlos Romero, Massimo Sangoi, Andrea Sereni, Sarah Songhorian, Paulo Sousa, Noel Struchiner, Vera Tripodi, Naoki Usui, Alejandro Vázquez Del Vázquez Del Mercado, Giorgio Volpe, Hrag A. Vosgerichian, Xueyi Zhang & Jing Zhu - 2020 - In Tania Lombrozo, Joshua Knobe & Shaun Nichols (eds.), Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Volume 1. Oxford University Press. pp. 158-174.
    Does the Ship of Theseus present a genuine puzzle about persistence due to conflicting intuitions based on “continuity of form” and “continuity of matter” pulling in opposite directions? Philosophers are divided. Some claim that it presents a genuine puzzle but disagree over whether there is a solution. Others claim that there is no puzzle at all since the case has an obvious solution. To assess these proposals, we conducted a cross-cultural study involving nearly 3,000 people across twenty-two countries, speaking eighteen (...)
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  4. Nothing at Stake in Knowledge.David Rose, Edouard Machery, Stephen Stich, Mario Alai, Adriano Angelucci, Renatas Berniūnas, Emma E. Buchtel, Amita Chatterjee, Hyundeuk Cheon, In-Rae Cho, Daniel Cohnitz, Florian Cova, Vilius Dranseika, Ángeles Eraña Lagos, Laleh Ghadakpour, Maurice Grinberg, Ivar Hannikainen, Takaaki Hashimoto, Amir Horowitz, Evgeniya Hristova, Yasmina Jraissati, Veselina Kadreva, Kaori Karasawa, Hackjin Kim, Yeonjeong Kim, Minwoo Lee, Carlos Mauro, Masaharu Mizumoto, Sebastiano Moruzzi, Christopher Y. Olivola, Jorge Ornelas, Barbara Osimani, Carlos Romero, Alejandro Rosas Lopez, Massimo Sangoi, Andrea Sereni, Sarah Songhorian, Paulo Sousa, Noel Struchiner, Vera Tripodi, Naoki Usui, Alejandro Vázquez del Mercado, Giorgio Volpe, Hrag Abraham Vosgerichian, Xueyi Zhang & Jing Zhu - 2019 - Noûs 53 (1):224-247.
    In the remainder of this article, we will disarm an important motivation for epistemic contextualism and interest-relative invariantism. We will accomplish this by presenting a stringent test of whether there is a stakes effect on ordinary knowledge ascription. Having shown that, even on a stringent way of testing, stakes fail to impact ordinary knowledge ascription, we will conclude that we should take another look at classical invariantism. Here is how we will proceed. Section 1 lays out some limitations of previous (...)
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  5. Standpoint Semantics for Polysemy in Spatial Prepositions.Edilson J. Rodrigues, Paulo E. Santos, Marcos Lopes, Brandon Bennett & Paul Edward Oppenheimer - 2020 - Journal of Logic and Computation 30 (2):635-661.
    In this paper, we present a formalism for handling polysemy in spatial expressions based on supervaluation semantics called standpoint semantics for polysemy (SSP). The goal of this formalism is, given a prepositional phrase, to define its possible spatial interpretations. For this, we propose to characterize spatial prepositions by means of a triplet ⟨ image schema, semantic feature, spatial axis⟩⁠. The core of SSP is predicate grounding theories, which are formulas of a first-order language that define a spatial preposition through the (...)
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    Considerações legais e forenses do aborto infeccioso bovino na “Saúde Única”: Revisão (18th edition).Jackson Barros Do Amaral, Vinícius José Moreira Nogueira & Wendell da Luz Silva (eds.) - 2024 - Londrina: Pubvet.
    In Brazil, the social demand for veterinary expertise is growing. However, there is still a shortage of professionals trained in this area to apply specific knowledge to each case. Studies and research into forensic veterinary medicine are necessary for veterinary experts to assist in investigations and legal proceedings. Veterinary medicine has subjects on its curriculum that cover the knowledge needed to apply in the fields of animal health, public health and the environment. The interaction between human and veterinary medicine, as (...)
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  7. Vías de aprehensión de lo cognoscible.Paulo Vélez-León - 2018 - In David G. Murray (ed.), Metaphysics 2015. Proceedings of the Sixth World Conference. Madrid: pp. 999-1012.
    El proceso de aprehensión de lo cognoscible, en la filosofía contemporánea, ha sido tratado desde diversas perspectivas, entre ellas la fenomenológica y la analítica. Cada una de estas perspectivas aportan unos presupuestos filosóficos y procesos metodológicos que nos proporcionan marcos de trabajo para indagar en las vías de aprehensión del conocimiento; sin embargo, empleadas por separado son insuficientes y limitadas. En absoluto se trata de procurar un método universal, sino de integrar e indagar sobre diversos presupuestos, procesos, patrones y (...)
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  8. Da justificação e a fé como evento escatológico enquanto obediência e decisão fundada no ato da Graça de Deus segundo a Teologia do apóstolo Paulo em Rudolf Bultmann.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2022 - Revista Cultura Teológica 30 (Especial - Mística, profecia e p):135-161.
    Baseado no pensamento teológico de Bultmann e na sua hermenêutica existencialista, o artigo se detém na justificação e na sua relação com a fé como evento escatológico enquanto obediência e decisão fundada no ato da graça de Deus segundo a teologia do Apóstolo Paulo. Dessa forma, o artigo assinala que, consistindo a justiça de Deus em uma possibilidade para os ouvintes da pregação diante do caráter absoluto do domínio exercido pelo poder do pecado em um processo que subjuga todos (...)
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  9. ¿Ontología u Ontologías?Paulo Vélez León - 2015 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 4 (5):299-339.
    [ES] En recientes décadas se ha observado un renovado interés por algunos de los temas clásicos de la ontología, desde áreas de conocimiento externas a la filosofía, sin embargo, este renacimiento ontológico ha «estimulado» una multiplicidad y diversidad de teorías y concepciones «ontológicas» que ha dado como consecuencia una proliferación de «ontologías» y de interminables batallas para determinar qué tipo de «entidades» estudian sus respectivos «dominios», que a su vez se consideran autónomos e independientes entre sí, inclusive de la propia (...)
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  10. Do pecado como símbolo racional enquanto liberdade e responsabilidade entre Pelágio e Agostinho segundo Paul Ricoeur.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2022 - Revista Litterarius 21 (1):1-29.
    Detendo-se no pecado em Pelágio como possibilidade enquanto exercício da liberdade e responsabilidade individual, o artigo assinala a defesa da neutralidade envolvendo a criação do ser humano e a sua capacidade para o bem e o mal, sublinhando a liberdade da vontade e a sua absoluta indeterminação, o que atrela o pecado à escolha. Dessa forma, o texto mostra o pecado em Agostinho como fato e ato enquanto liberdade, responsabilidade e culpa pessoal, na medida em que o ser humano é (...)
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    Do pecado como símbolo racional enquanto liberdade e responsabilidade entre Pelágio e Agostinho segundo Paul Ricoeur.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2022 - Revista Litterarius - ISSN: 2237-6291 (FAPAS - Faculdade Palotina de Santa Maria, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brasil) 21 (1):1-29.
    Detendo-se no pecado em Pelágio como possibilidade enquanto exercício da liberdade e responsabilidade individual, o artigo assinala a defesa da neutralidade envolvendo a criação do ser humano e a sua capacidade para o bem e o mal, sublinhando a liberdade da vontade e a sua absoluta indeterminação, o que atrela o pecado à escolha. Dessa forma, o texto mostra o pecado em Agostinho como fato e ato enquanto liberdade, responsabilidade e culpa pessoal, na medida em que o ser humano é (...)
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  12. O Estado e a Ação Política entre o “Animal Político”, o “Príncipe” e o “Homem Autêntico”: Da ética intelectualista à ética consequencialista e a correlação entre a “ética das últimas finalidades” e a “ética da responsabilidade”.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2020 - REDD – Revista Espaço de Diálogo E Desconexão, UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista [Araraquara, São Paulo, Brasil] 12 (2):14-29.
    Baseado na investigação do Estado e da ação política entre o “animal político” de Aristóteles, o “Príncipe” de Maquiavel e o “homem autêntico” de Max Weber, o artigo mostra que, se o intelectualismo socrático-platônico reduz o bem moral às fronteiras de um dado de conhecimento em uma construção que torna o conhecimento do bem e da justiça a condição para a ação justa, a definição aristotélica do ser humano como um "animal político" implica que a sua realização guarda correspondência com (...)
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  13. TEMPO DA DECISÃO E CHAMADO À DECISÃO NA PREGAÇÃO ÉTICO-ESCATOLÓGICA DE JESUS CRISTO: DA PROCLAMAÇÃO DO REINO DE DEUS NA TEOLOGIA ESCATOLÓGICO-EXISTENCIAL DE BULTMANN.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2020 - Revista Último Andar, Cadernos de Pesquisa Em Ciência da Religião, PUC/SP - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo [São Paulo, Brasil] 23 (36): 160 - 189.
    Se a pregação de Jesus consiste no pressuposto da teologia neotestamentária, segundo o pensamento de Bultmann, a análise do seu conteúdo emerge como fundamental para a compreensão do querigma cristão e da construção literário-teológica da comunidade primitiva. Dessa forma, o artigo se detém na pregação ético-escatológica de Jesus, que anuncia o reino de Deus e o tempo da decisão e o chamado à decisão, que converge para a radicalidade e exige a obediência escatológica enquanto realização da vontade de Deus. Assim, (...)
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  14. Del pecado como símbolo racional entre Pelagio y Agustín según Paul Ricoeur: sobre la voluntad como lugar de libertad y responsabilidad.Mariano da Rosa Luiz Carlos - 2023 - Cuadernos de Teología - Universidad Católica Del Norte (Chile), Issn: 0719-8175 15 (1):1-18.
    Detendo-se no pecado em Pelágio como possibilidade enquanto exercício da liberdade e responsabilidade individual, o artigo assinala a defesa da neutralidade envolvendo a criação do ser humano e a sua capacidade para o bem e o mal, sublinhando a liberdade da vontade e a sua absoluta indeterminação, o que atrela o pecado à escolha. Portanto, atribuindo à vontade a condição de locus da instauração da experiência ético-lógico existencial envolvendo o exercício da liberdade, Pelágio se contrapõe a tese do pecado original (...)
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    Introdução à hermenêutica do pecado entre o símbolo do mal em Paul Ricoeur e a alienação existencial em Paul Tillich.Mariano da Rosa Luiz Carlos - 2023 - Ekstasis: Revista de Hermenêutica E Fenomenologia 12 (1):342-373.
    Detendo-se no pecado enquanto construção histórico-cultural e sociorreligiosa em um processo que encerra os seus aspectos mítico-religiosos, o artigo assinala que o conceito que expressa a sua noção guarda raízes nas fronteiras envolvendo o fracasso humano no sentido de corresponder ao arcabouço paradigmático e o seu sistema de tabus, leis e códigos morais. Dessa forma, convergindo para os aspectos etimológico-literários e bíblico-religiosos do pecado, o artigo sublinha que, encerrando o sentido de errar o alvo, a tradução do referido termo como (...)
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  16. The patient as “text” according to Ricoeur: bioethic implications.Carlos Alberto Rosas Jimenez - 2014 - Revista Bioética 2 (22):234-240.
    Paul Ricoeur argues that narration is lived life. Therefore, human experience has a narrative dimension, ie, it has a narrative structure and every effort you want to make for the human need to consider the narrative. For this reason, the text theory is converted to Ricoeur in a general model for the study of human action, since this is conceived as an open work to anyone who can read it. Given this general framework for discussion, we have deepened the notion (...)
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    Introdução à hermenêutica do pecado como símbolo do mal em Paul Ricoeur e alienação existencial em Paul Tillich entre os aspectos mítico-religiosos, etimológico-literários, bíblico-teológicos e filosófico-teológicos.Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa - 2023 - Filosofia da Técnica.
    Detendo-se no pecado enquanto construção histórico-cultural e sociorreligiosa em um processo que encerra os seus aspectos mítico-religiosos, o artigo assinala que o conceito que expressa a sua noção guarda raízes nas fronteiras envolvendo o fracasso humano no sentido de corresponder ao arcabouço paradigmático e o seu sistema de tabus, leis e códigos morais. Dessa forma, convergindo para os aspectos etimológico-literários e bíblico-religiosos do pecado, o artigo sublinha que, encerrando o sentido de errar o alvo, a tradução do referido termo como (...)
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  18. Nihilism and Reality in Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon (1949 movie).Marcos Wagner Da Cunha - manuscript
    This essay is part of a doctoral dissertation presented to the Department of Philosophy, University of São Paulo, in 1993, named 'Genealogy of the Real' . Its core idea is a Nietzschean approach to a masterpiece among philosophical inspired movies, namely, Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon, which surely touches deep groundings of the concept of truth and reality.
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  19. La familia en el contexto social. Estudios sobre el contexto familiar desde la educación y la bioética.Paulo Vélez-León, Miury Placencia Tapia & Xiomara Carrera Herrera (eds.) - 2019 - Loja, Ecuador: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja.
    Este volumen monográfico, desde una visión interdisciplinar aporta al estudio de la familia, así como al reconocimiento que se requiere en el ámbito educativo secundario y superior de una estructura consolidada del estudio de la bioética para una correcta educación en el cuidado de la vida, y de las políticas públicas que den estabilidad a la vida del hogar. 21 textos, dividos en cuatro secciones, desde el marco antropológico de la persona y la familia, abordan diversos ámbitos y temas relativos (...)
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    TRANSFERÊNCIA DE EMBRIÕES EM BOVINOS: Revisão de literatura.José Pedro Ferreira Machado, Lázaro Kalliu Assis Oliveira & Wesley Paulo Alves de Lima - 2023 - Dissertation, Centro Universitário Una Jataí
    RESUMO A Transferência de Embrião (TE) em bovinos se trata de uma técnica mundialmente disseminada com objetivo de aumentar a capacidade reprodutiva da fêmea. Mantém vínculo direto com outras técnicas das biotecnologias da reprodução, como, a Ovum Pick-Up (OPU), Produção In Vitro e In Vivo de embriões (PIVE) e Transferência de Embrião em Tempo Fixo (TETF), sendo estas, técnicas que fazem parte de um processo, que vai desde a seleção de doadoras, passando pelo preparo dos embriões até sua inovulação em (...)
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    TAXA DE CONCEPÇÃO AO PRIMEIRO SERVIÇO DE VACAS LEITEIRAS EM ANESTRO PRÉ-SINCRONIZADAS.Rayssa Milena Hilgenberg - 2022 - Dissertation, Centro Universitário Campo Real
    RESUMO O presente trabalho mostra as atividades realizadas do período de 01 de julho a 01 de novembro na JRM Agropecuária. As atividades foram desenvolvidas na área de bovinocultura de leite, este trabalho foi desenvolvido sob orientação do professor mestre Rodrigo Dorneles Tortorella e supervisão do médico veterinário André Ricardo, em conjunto com o médico veterinário Breno. Durante o período de estágio foi acompanhado as atividades realizadas no setor de manejo, reprodução, bezerreiro e recria da fazenda, além de acompanhar as (...)
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    Aspectos da reprodução em bovinos.Deivid Marcel Souza da Silva - 2021 - Dissertation, Centro Universitário - Ages
    RESUMO A bovinocultura sempre esteve atrelada ao desenvolvimento do Brasil e, pensando no avanço, as exigências da máxima eficiência nos sistemas de criação foi pautada na forma de como conseguir realizar a reprodução de bovinos com ênfase na eficiência econômica e reprodutiva. O objetivo deste trabalho é elucidar as principais biotecnologias que auxiliam na maior produtividade reprodutiva de bovinos. Dessa forma, o estudo foi realizado usando artigos do banco de dados do Google acadêmico e SciELO, além de livros do acervo (...)
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  23. Overcoming Hermeneutical Injustice in Mental Health: A Role for Critical Phenomenology.Rosa Ritunnano - 2022 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 53 (3):243-260.
    The significance of critical phenomenology for psychiatric praxis has yet to be expounded. In this paper, I argue that the adoption of a critical phenomenological stance can remedy localised instances of hermeneutical injustice, which may arise in the encounter between clinicians and patients with psychosis. In this context, what is communicated is often deemed to lack meaning or to be difficult to understand. While a degree of un-shareability is inherent to subjective life, I argue that issues of unintelligibility can be (...)
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  24. Epistemic vice predicts acceptance of Covid-19 misinformation.Marco Meyer, Mark Alfano & Boudewijn De Bruin - manuscript
    Why are mistaken beliefs about Covid-19 so prevalent? Political identity, education and other demographic variables explain only a part of individual differences in the susceptibility to Covid-19 misinformation. This paper focuses on another explanation: epistemic vice. Epistemic vices are character traits that interfere with acquiring, maintaining, and transmitting knowledge. If the basic assumption of vice epistemology is right, then people with epistemic vices such as indifference to the truth or rigidity in their belief structures will tend to be more susceptible (...)
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  25. Underdeterminations of Consciousness in Quantum Mechanics.Lauro de Matos Nunes Filho & Raoni Wohnrath Arroyo - 2018 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 22 (2):321-337.
    Metaphysical underdetermination arises when we are not able to decide, through purely theoretical criteria, between competing interpretations of scientific theories with different metaphysical commitments. This is the case in which non-relativistic quantum mechanics (QM) finds itself in. Among several available interpretations, there is the one that states that the interaction with the conscious mind of a human observer causes a change in the dynamics of quantum objects undergoing from indefinite to definite states. In this paper, we argue that there seems (...)
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  26. Evidential support and its presuppositions.Luis Rosa - forthcoming - In Hinge Epistemology and Religious Belief.
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  27. X-Phi and Impartiality Thought Experiments: Investigating the Veil of Ignorance.Norbert Paulo & Thomas Pölzler - 2020 - Diametros 17 (64):72-89.
    This paper discusses “impartiality thought experiments”, i.e., thought experiments that attempt to generate intuitions which are unaffected by personal characteristics such as age, gender or race. We focus on the most prominent impartiality thought experiment, the Veil of Ignorance (VOI), and show that both in its original Rawlsian version and in a more generic version, empirical investigations can be normatively relevant in two ways: First, on the assumption that the VOI is effective and robust, if subjects dominantly favor a certain (...)
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  28. Extended animal cognition.Marco Facchin & Giulia Leonetti - 2024 - Synthese 203 (5):1-22.
    According to the extended cognition thesis, an agent’s cognitive system can sometimes include extracerebral components amongst its physical constituents. Here, we show that such a view of cognition has an unjustifiably anthropocentric focus, for it tends to depict cognitive extensions as a human-only affair. In contrast, we will argue that if human cognition extends, then the cognition of many non-human animals extends too, for many non-human animals rely on the same cognition-extending strategies humans rely on. To substantiate this claim, we (...)
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  29. Rawls on Just Savings and Economic Growth.Marcos Picchio - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 27 (2):341-370.
    In this article, I address a controversial aspect of Rawls’s treatment of the question of justice between generations: how the parties in the original position could be motivated to select Rawls’s preferred principle of intergenerational savings, which he dubs the just savings principle. I focus on the explanation found in his later work, where he proposes that the correct savings principle is the principle that any generation would have wanted preceding generations to have followed. By expanding upon this explanation, I (...)
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  30. From Empirical Evidence to First Principles: Thomas Kuhn's Methodological Revolution.Paulo Pirozelli - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (3):1-10.
    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions represented a milestone in the attempt to understand scientific development based on empirical observations. However, in the next decades after the publication of his book, history, psychology, and sociology became increasingly marginal in Kuhn’s discussions. In his last articles, Kuhn even suggested that philosophers should pay less attention to empirical data and focus more on “first principles.” The purpose of this article is, first, to describe this radical transformation in Kuhn’s methodological approach, from his initial (...)
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  31. Suspending judgment the correct way.Luis Rosa - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (10):2001-2023.
    In this paper I present reasons for us to accept the hypothesis that suspended judgment has correctness conditions, just like beliefs do. Roughly put, the idea is that suspended judgment about p is correct when both p and ¬p might be true in view of certain facts that characterize the subject’s situation. The reasons to accept that hypothesis are broadly theoretical ones: it adds unifying power to our epistemological theories, it delivers good and conservative consequences, and it allows us to (...)
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    Psicologia Speculativa.Marco Mattei - 2021 - In Decentrare l'umano. Perché la Object-Oriented Ontology. Pompei: Kaiak Edizioni.
    An exploration of panpsychism in Harman's Object-Oriented Ontology.
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  33. Introdução à perspectiva ficcionalista na filosofia da matemática.Marco Aurélio Sousa Alves & José Henrique Fonseca Franco - 2022 - Perspectivas 7 (2):330-346.
    O ficcionalismo, geralmente classificado como um tipo de nominalismo, apresenta como perspectiva precípua a tese de que os entes matemáticos são ficções. Para o ficcionalista, o discurso matemático é desprovido de conteúdo. Hartry Field, que é o principal defensor dessa concepção ontológica da matemática, contesta, em Science Without Numbers, a utilização de entes matemáticos na redação de teorias da física, alegando que a defesa mais plausível do realismo ontológico matemático é o argumento da indispensabilidade de Quine-Putnam. O ficcionalismo defendido por (...)
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    Resenha: Man and Nature: The Spiritual Crisis in Modern Man de Seyyed Hossein Nasr. (3rd edition).Paulo Henrique Fernandes da Silva Ferreira Braga - 2023 - Ítaca (Ufrj).
    Resenha do livro: "Man and Nature: The Spiritual Crisis in Modern Man" é uma obra de Seyyed H. Nasr que examina a crise espiritual enfrentada pelo ser humano moderno em relação à natureza. Nasr aborda a crescente desconexão entre o homem e a natureza devido à visão mecanicista predominante na sociedade moderna. O livro propõe uma visão alternativa que busca restaurar a harmonia entre o homem e a natureza. Com sua abordagem interdisciplinar, o livro desafia as concepções convencionais e convida (...)
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  35. "Doutrina da Ciência Nova Methodo": J. G. Fichte e a autoposição do eu como theoria, praxis e poiesis de si próprio.Paulo Jesus - 2020 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (55-56):107-127.
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  36. Predictive processing and extended consciousness: why the machinery of consciousness is (probably) still in the head and the DEUTS argument won’t let it leak outside.Marco Facchin & Niccolò Negro - forthcoming - In Mark-Oliver Casper & Giuseppe Flavio Artese (eds.), Situated Cognition Research. Springer.
    Consciousness vehicle externalism is the claim that the material machinery of a subject’s phenomenology partially leaks outside a subject’s brain, encompassing bodily and environmental structures. The DEUTS argument is the most prominent argument for CVE in the sensorimotor enactivists’ arsenal. In a recent series of publications, Kirchhoff and Kiverstein have deployed such an argument to claim that a prominent view of neural processing, namely predictive processing, is fully compatible with CVE. Indeed, in Kirchhoff and Kiverstein’s view, a proper understanding of (...)
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  37. Cruelty in Criminal Law: Four Conceptions.Paulo Barrozo - 2015 - Criminal Law Bulletin 51 (5):67.
    This Article defines four distinct conceptions of cruelty found in underdeveloped form in domestic and international criminal law sources. The definition is analytical, focusing on the types of agency, victimization, causality, and values in each conception of cruelty. But no definition of cruelty will do justice to its object until complemented by the kind of understanding practical reason provides of the implications of the phenomenon of cruelty. -/- No one should be neutral in relation to cruelty. Eminently, cruelty in criminal (...)
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  38. Do projeto crítico kantiano: Os direitos da razão entre a lógica da verdade E a lógica da aparência.Luiz Carlos Mariano da Rosa - 2015 - Revista Cadernos Do PET Filosofia 6 (12):76-91.
    Sobrepondo uma concepção crítica envolvendo os fundamentos do saber às ontologias dogmáticas que se impõem ao trabalho que implica a apreensão das questões filosóficas, o projeto kantiano propõe o fim da filosofia como construção metafísica e a necessidade de se lhe atribuir uma tarefa teórica de caráter essencialmente genealógico e crítico, no sentido que encerra a legitimação do conhecimento racional através da análise das faculdades que se lhe estão atreladas, conforme assinala o artigo, que se detém nos direitos da razão (...)
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  39. Promises and Problems in the Adoption of Self-Sovereign Identity Management from a Consumer Perspective.Marco Hünseler & Eva Pöll - 2023 - IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 671:85-100.
    Online identification is a common problem but so far resolved unsatisfactorily, as consumers cannot fully control how much data they share and with whom. Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) technology promises to help by making use of decentralized data repositories as well as advanced cryptographic algorithms and protocols. This paper examines the effects of SSIs on responsible, confident, and vulnerable consumers in order to develop the missing understanding of consumer needs in SSI adoption and define preconditions and necessary considerations for the development (...)
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  40. L'instabilité de l'être-avec: configurations de l’intersubjectivité autour de Sartre, Merleau-Ponty et Levinas.Paulo Jesus - 2009 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 107 (2):269-300.
    Le rapport à l’altérité en général et à autrui en particulier condense un noyau de possibilités multiples qui, selon l’hypothèse esquissée, s’exprime et s’interprète dans le mode de penser et de vivre le Désir d’avenir. Oscillant entre hétérophagie et hétérophilie, ce type fondamental d’érotisme temporel s’incarne dans des configurations phénoménologiques dont la typologie idéale fait covarier une décision métaphysique (repérable au sein du spectre qui va de l’idéalisme constructiviste au réalisme affectif) avec une attitude éthique (située entre le scepticisme individualiste (...)
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  41. Fake news, conspiracy theorizing, and intellectual vice.Marco Meyer & Mark Alfano - 2022 - In Mark Alfano, Colin Klein & Jeroen de Ridder (eds.), Social Virtue Epistemology. Routledge.
    Across two studies, one of which was pre-registered, we find that a simple questionnaire that measures intellectual virtue and vice predicts how many fake news articles and conspiracy theories participants accept. This effect holds even when controlling for multiple demographic predictors, including age, household income, sex, education, ethnicity, political affiliation, religion, and news consumption. These results indicate that self-report is an adequate way to measure intellectual virtue and vice, which suggests that they are not fully immune to introspective awareness or (...)
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  42. Punishing Cruelly: Punishment, Cruelty, and Mercy.Paulo D. Barrozo - 2008 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 2 (1):67-84.
    What is cruelty? How and why does it matter? What do the legal rejection of cruelty and the requirements of mercy entail? This essay asks these questions of Lucius Seneca, who first articulated an agent-based conception of cruelty in the context of punishment. The hypothesis is submitted that the answers to these questions offered in Seneca's De clementia constitute one of the turning points in the evolution of practical reason in law. I conclude, however, by arguing that even the mainstream (...)
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  43. The Benefit to Philosophy of the Study of its History.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (1):161-184.
    This paper advances the view that the history of philosophy is both a kind of history and a kind of philosophy. Through a discussion of some examples from epistemology, metaphysics, and the historiography of philosophy, it explores the benefit to philosophy of a deep and broad engagement with its history. It comes to the conclusion that doing history of philosophy is a way to think outside the box of the current philosophical orthodoxies. Somewhat paradoxically, far from imprisoning its students in (...)
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  44. Towards a Phenomenological Analysis of Fictional Emotions.Marco Cavallaro - 2019 - Phainomenon. Journal of Phenomenological Philosophy 29:57-81.
    What are fictional emotions and what has phenomenology to say about them? This paper argues that the experience of fictional emotions entails a splitting of the subject between a real and a phantasy ego. The real ego is the ego that imagines something; the phantasy ego is the ego that is necessarily co-posited by any experience of imagining something. Fictional emotions are phantasy emotions of the phantasy ego. The intentional structure of fictional emotions, the nature of their fictional object, as (...)
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  45. Personhood and Disorders of Consciousness: Finding Room in Person-Centered Healthcare.Marco Antonio Azevedo - 2020 - European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 8 (3):391-405.
    Advocates of the Person-Centered Healthcare (PCH) approach say that PCH is a response to a failure of caring for patients as persons. Nevertheless, there are many human subjects falling to fulfill the requirements of a traditional philosophical definition of personhood. Hence, if we take, PCH seriously, a greater clarification of the key terminology of PCH is urgently needed. It seems necessary, for instance, that the concept of the person should be extended in order to include those individuals with insipient or (...)
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  46. Substitutional Validity for Modal Logic.Marco Grossi - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (3):291-316.
    In the substitutional framework, validity is truth under all substitutions of the nonlogical vocabulary. I develop a theory where □ is interpreted as substitutional validity. I show how to prove soundness and completeness for common modal calculi using this definition.
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  47. Thomas kuhn’s theory of rationality.Paulo Pirozelli - 2019 - Manuscrito 42 (3):1-46.
    According to a widespread view, Thomas Kuhn’s model of scientific development would relegate rationality to a second plane, openly flirting with irrationalist positions. The intent of this article is to clarify this aspect of his thinking and refute this common interpretation. I begin by analysing the nature of values in Kuhn’s model and how they are connected to rationality. For Kuhn, a theory is chosen rationally when: i) the evaluation is based on values characteristic of science; ii) a theory is (...)
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  48. Human Enhancement: a new issue in Philosophical Agenda.Marco Azevedo - 2013 - Princípios. Revista de Filosofía 20 (33):265-303.
    Since before we can remember, humanity aims to overcome its biological limitations; such a goal has certainly played a key role in the advent of technique. However, despite the benefits that technique may bring, the people who make use of it will inevitably be under risk of harm. Even though human technical wisdom consists in attaining the best result without compromising anybody’s safety, misuses are always a possibility in the horizon. Nowadays, technology can be used for more than just improving (...)
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  49. Quantum Indeterminism, Free Will, and Self-Causation.Marco Masi - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (5-6):32–56.
    A view that emancipates free will by means of quantum indeterminism is frequently rejected based on arguments pointing out its incompatibility with what we know about quantum physics. However, if one carefully examines what classical physical causal determinism and quantum indeterminism are according to physics, it becomes clear what they really imply–and, especially, what they do not imply–for agent-causation theories. Here, we will make necessary conceptual clarifications on some aspects of physical determinism and indeterminism, review some of the major objections (...)
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  50. Filosofia, História e Sociologia da Ciência e da Tecnologia.Paulo Tadeu da Silva (ed.) - 2024 - Toledo-PR: Instituto Quero Saber.
    Neste livro reunimos alguns dos trabalhos apresentados no GT Filosofia, História e Sociologia da Ciência e da Tecnologia, durante o XIX Encontro Nacional da ANPOF, realizado em Goiânia, de 10 a 14 de outubro de 2022. Agradecemos aos autores e às autoras que contribuíram com seus textos para a realização deste projeto. Esperamos que os leitores e as leitoras aproveitem o rico material filosófico presente neste livro.
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